Voice chat is a moderated multi-party conference. Normally this function is integrated as a branch of voice response system.
Simultaneously several rooms dynamically changed rooms are active. While each room may have an essential capacity, it is normally about 5..10 subscribers per room at once. When media support for a TV show is done, a signal from room may be broadcasted to another users.
Chat users may establish private conversations and navigate between rooms by means of dtmf keys. Special measures were implemented to allow chat users feel comfortable, eliminate chaos, unwanted sounds and dtmf tones inside the room.
The key feature of voice chat is moderating capabilites (see picture below). Moderator views all subscribers in the rooms he is responsible for, participates in conversation, and can affect them moving, muting, establish dialogues etc.
Moderators interface operates over internet, while voice can be delivered by means of VoIP or a legacy TDM call.